Saturday, September 29, 2007

Blast Press

Downtown Revitalization

"As part of International Blast, hundred of people checked out new and old restaurants, gaining a reminder of what the area has to offer.

The Downtown Improvement District hopes events like these will fuel revitalization in downtown.

President Dan Carmody is working to bring new attractions and new crowds back to the core of the city.

"This gives us hope, this kind of evening like Friday night, that maybe, just maybe the future of downtown Fort Wayne will be a lot like it was in the past," says Carmody."

"A number of families made the downtown fest their destination Friday night. Many we spoke to say they hope it sparks others to return downtown as well.

"I think in a city this size, it's a shame more people don't come downtown. Maybe with more events like this people will come back," says Fort Wayne resident Melissa Wheeler."

""I think people are hungry for it, an event like this. More need to happen, it needs to grow," says Kevin Kempton, who attended the fest.

"It's a step forward, it's a transition, we just need more of it. We need a lot more people to come downtown and support it to make it happen," adds Fort Wayne resident Daren Schaffer."


david said...

This was a great event - I had a wonderful time. These block parties really draw a good crowd.
