Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Harrison Square at Design Collaborative's Site

Our thanks to 'Gregory D' for pointing us to Design Collaborative's site, which now has a page about the Harrison Square development, including renderings produced by Design Collaborative.

Visit the following link to see for yourself:
Harrison Square Fact Sheet (From the site; PDF)

The notable element of the Fact Sheet is the inclusion of a Downtown Blueprint Progress Report that outlines facets of the Blueprint that have either been started or completed. It's important to remember that the Harrison Square development is only one piece of the entire Blueprint and that it's success makes possible other elements of the Blueprint, such as the much talked about youth sports complex. If you haven't already, look over the Blueprint Plus Final Report listed under Suggested Reading at the side of the blog.


Anonymous said...

The images really help to show what the city is trying to do. Its great to see Ft. Wayne moving forward like this.

Anonymous said...

It's time Fort Wayne's identity became more than multiple generic strip malls creating sprawl. The decision to revitilize downtown is long overdue. It's a wonderful project and should create a sense of community that has been lacking.