Thursday, March 29, 2007

Candidate Update II

Kelty questions rush to start Harrison plan

Republican Mayoral Candidates Differ on Harrison Square


Anonymous said...

Funny how some candidates say they are "for downtown" and then try to slam the only significant project in decades.

Anonymous said...

I love Kelty's comments about foolishy spending self into debt.

This is coming from a man who has apparently dumped $150,000 of his families funds into his Don Quioxte quest for mayor.

If we elect this guy Mayor we will get what we deserve.


Anonymous said...

Its nice to see the Peters campaign finally start to be more visable. I feel he waited too long in doing so. I'm sure both Kelty and Peters do not want to go to blows with each other, but it might be the very thing that the Peters campaign is needing.

Anonymous said...

Another prominent catholic business person supports Nelson Peters? What?? where's the love for the architech Matt K.?



FORT WAYNE, IN – The Home Builders Association of Fort Wayne is formally endorsing Nelson Peters in the Fort Wayne mayoral race. The Home Builder’s Association (HBA) is a not-for-profit trade organization that is associated with the National Association of Home Builders and the Indiana Builders Association.

HBA board president Jeff Thomas stated, “Nelson Peters has been tremendous to work with as a County Commissioner. We know that Nelson will do a great job for the community as Mayor of Fort Wayne.”

mark garvin said...

So the guys most responsible for, and who have profited by, 30 years of unlimited suburban sprawl (Would you like roads, sewers and schools with that Rock Ridge Mill Spring Oaks of Glen Hollow Peaks subdivision, sir?) support Peters.

I'll stick with Kelty and a chance to change the way Fort Wayne operates.

Anonymous said...

I thought Kelty had his "own" downtown plan to reveal? Is he holding back on us?

LP Mike Sylvester said...

I am in favor of Downtown Development and yet oppose Harrison Square...

Mike Sylvester

Anonymous said...


Thats just your way of hoping nothing ever happens. Its easy to be in favor generally of "downtown development" so long as you are never really for anything.

Anonymous said...

Bud, you go ahead and stick with Kelty. He is an incredible choice for Mayor. Never has their been a candidate with so much experience to run an operation the size of the City of Fort Wayne. He has managed his office of 3 people for several years, so he is 100% prepared.