Friday, March 9, 2007

Opposing Viewpoints VII - Partnership Meeting Videos

These two clips represent the main points from each side of the discussion. These are also the two speakers that Fort Wayne Newspapers has chosen to present in their articles.

Art Brickman 3-8-2007 on Vimeo

David Corcoran 3-8-2007 on Vimeo


Anonymous said...

Did anybody ever take Mr. Brickman up on his demand for a "straw poll"? I hope they did.


Anonymous said...

I think it is interesting that the gentleman against the project is older and the gentleman for the project is younger. Could it be that Fort Wayne is aging and because of its age, it is becoming more and more resistant to change even when that change would be for the better?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Brickman's points are not very strong. So people will have to park a few blocks away and (gasp) walk?!?! Maybe then we will shed the pounds and the image of being one of the fattest cities in the country. And what businesses is he talking about near the current stadium? Hooters? Showgirls? Big deal! They aren't exactly cultural jewels and in my opinion the city would be better off without them...

Anonymous said...

To Ed, we will be conducting a straw poll at the Harrison Square panel discussion on March 14th at the downtown ACPL. For more information go to or email

Heather Schoegler
Co-Chair, YLNI's Downtown Development Committee

Anonymous said...

Everybody I have spoken to that was at last night's meeting has put the numbers at 60/40 Pro project.

This is probably no less scientific than the JG 30/70 poll so lets just go with it.


Anonymous said...

Its my understanding that 23 people spoke in favor, 15 spoke against and 6 came across as undecided.



Emmett Greider said...

Mr. Corcoran's point is true about developers and projects waiting in the wings and dependent on the success of HS. Indeed, a major factor in our decision to move back was this project and an administration that is pushing for it.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Corcoran is in the process of absolutely eating Pat White alive. It is an absolute mismatch! Wow.


Jeff Pruitt said...

I agree w/ nearly everything Mr Corcoran says. The disagreement is that I don't honestly believe this is THE LAST CHANCE for downtown development. Supporters seem to suggest that if we walk away from this there will never be another opportunity. I completely disagree w/ that premise.

I work downtown in a job similar to the one Mr Corcoran describes. I like it down here. Could it be better? Certainly. But is this current plan the ONLY way to continue the revitalization? No.

I'm not against the project but I just want to make sure that we fully understand what we're getting ourselves into. At this point, nobody (including the mayor's administration) fully understands the project. I think it's extremely dangerous to support a project without understanding the details...

Jeff Pruitt said...


Ask yourself why the NIIC was built near IPFW and not downtown? Isn't that EXACTLY the type of work we want to draw downtown?

What are we saying when a center like that is located AWAY from the area we are trying to develop? It makes absolutely no sense.

This administration has failed to adequatly redevelop the downtown area over the last 7 years. This does NOT mean the rest of us should jump at their last gasp opportunity.

If the deal is right, then fine, but otherwise we shouldn't support it...

Anonymous said...

I look forward to hearing the audio of Pat White and Mr. Corcoran...

Anonymous said...

I tuned in late and missed Mr. Corcoran, however, Pat White did not let the facts get in the way of the rest of his show. He stated that most of the people last night supported the project... just not a stadium. This is completely false. A clear majority supported the project as currently proposed! He stated that it was mostly "plants". What an absolute insult to business owners and employers like Mr. Corcoran and Mr. Cook etc. Apparently they do not think for themselves and they only show up when under order from the Administration. What a joke!

The last caller to Pat White summed up the opposition best... he said "let Mr. Corcoran leave, we dont need him, I will provide the boxes"

This is the mentality we are fighting against. This project truly is shaping up as a generational battle for the future of Fort Wayne.


LP Mike Sylvester said...

I enjoyed attending and speaking at last nights meeting...

Dave Corcoran is a freind of mine and we discussed the project in his office yesterday afternoon. He and I agree on about 80% of this project.

Where we disagree is the baseball stadium...

Putting a baseball stadium Downtown makes NO sense whatsoever and it is NOT economic development. It is economic re-arrangement...

A majority of the people I talk to who support the project agree that the baseball stadium is NOT a good idea. They still favor the project based on the viewpoint that "we just have to do something Downtown."

That does not make a lot of sense to me...

Mike Sylvester

brian spaulding said...

Watch the Corcoran clip again. Did anyone else hear someone say "BS" at 1:53? It is rather faint, I was recording from the other end of the room.