Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Save The Dates - Three Local Opportunities

Sound off on stadium
Do you have concerns about the Harrison Square project? Air them at Thursday forum.

Good Shepherd United Methodist Church
Thursday, March 8, 2007 6:30 pm

"Deputy Mayor Mark Becker will open the meeting with a 20-minute presentation outlining Harrison Square and its proposed financing. Smith will then take comments from the crowd. While he doesn’t expect many questions to be answered Thursday, he said he wants to hear what is on his constitutents’ minds."

IPFW Harrison Square Presentation
IPFW Neff Hall Room 101
Wednesday, March 14, 2007 12:00 noon

*The owners of the Fort Wayne Wizards, Hardball Capital, are expected to attend*

Free for all to attend. Mayor Graham Richard & Deputy Mayor Mark Becker will present plans for Harrison Square, a downtown development initiative. This will be followed by a Q&A/discussion with members of the audience. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the project and have your questions answered firsthand.

Presented by: IPFW College Republicans, Doermer School of Business, America's Renaissance, IPFW Political Science Club, & DFWB blog.

Young Leaders of Northeast Indiana (YLNI)
Harrison Square Presentation
Downtown Allen County Public Library
Wednesday, March 14, 2007 6:00 pm

A presentation by Mark Becker, Deputy Mayor for the City of Fort Wayne, and Steve Brody, Project Manager for Harrison Square, will begin the evening. Following their presentation, there will be an opportunity to ask questions and share your thoughts with a panel including the owners of the Wizards, Jason Freier of Hardball Capital and Chris Schoen of Barry Real Estate; Mark Pope, Athletic Director of IPFW; Steve Gard, owner of both Oyster Bar locations; and Dan Carmody, President of the Downtown Improvement District.

The Harrison Square discussion is being hosted by the Young Leaders of Northeast Indiana (YLNI) Downtown Development Committee . The goal of the event is to allow the community to learn about the project firsthand and provide an opportunity to ask questions.


Emmett Greider said...

I can make 2 of 3, which is fine, because I'm a Presbyterian anyway. ;-)