Friday, April 13, 2007

Askin' The Pros

Making progress on revitalization
But not all those in commercial real estate agree on Harrison Square


Emmett Greider said...

I read the article and was deeply disappointed with what Don Steininger said. I say this with great sadness because Mr. Steininger is not only a friend of the family, he also just recently donated big bucks for a downtown building. So Mr. Steininger, if you read this, no hard feelings, please.

Nevertheless, I must take issue. First, he justified his reticence over HS by saying, "Government has a terrible track record in real estate development." Maybe. But could it really be any worse than that of local private developers? As the mayor and others have pointed out, only $2M in private investment downtown in the last 10 years (Salin Bank). What's that about? What kind of track record is that, private developers? Essentially, the City is only stepping in because the private sector has unquestionably failed in getting the job done. Or even started, for that matter!

Then Mr. Steininger says, "Deep down, I believe we probably have to do something, but I don’t believe there’s anything that says we have to do everything at once." Probably have to do something?? You mean there's a possibility we don't have to do something?? And I would hardly characterize HS as "everything at once". It's a ballpark, 60 condos (remember, the housing study said FW downtown could support 300+ new units/year!), and about 10 commercial/retail spaces. And a hotel. God help us if that's everything at once!

Then Mr. Steininger said, "You really need to listen to people in the business. These people are smart. If it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work. Let go of it." I'm sorry, but "listening" to the people in the business is what's gotten FW into the mess it's in! And just because you're smart, doesn't mean you're right, or good for the community. "Smart" developers have given FW not much other than sprawl, and have completely abandoned downtown for decades. Are these the ones he's suggesting we listen to? Sorry, but no thanks. I'll take my chances with the administration!

Again, Mr. Steininger, if you read this, nothing personal. Really! I have the utmost respect for you and your years of commitment to FW. Indeed, I almost leapt for joy when I read last year of your mega-donation for the downtown building. However, I just couldn't disagree more with your sentiments as quoted in the article.

scott spaulding said...
