Friday, April 6, 2007

Castle Update

Study: Not much future for old stadium
Wizards’ home would have few uses if Harrison Square ballpark is built.

From the article:

"A $45,000 study apparently does not envision a bright future for Memorial Stadium should a new ballpark be built downtown as part of the Harrison Square project."

"Other proposed uses for Memorial Stadium also seem unrealistic, Brown said – in large part because of competition from the new downtown stadium. Both high school athletic events and concerts would probably prefer the “new toy” over the existing stadium, he said."

"Becker said the study’s official findings could be presented to City Council on April 17 – the same night other Harrison Square financial details are expected to be released."


Jeff Pruitt said...

Big surprise.

As I posted previously, this was probably the dumbest study this city has ever commissioned...

Anonymous said...

Market Square arena was bulldozed and they still owed $16 million. Indy is just a bunch of fools arent they?

They built a dome with no team, what a stupid idea!

They built a new football stadium when they already had a frickin dome.

But, we are smart up here in Fort Wayne. By god, if Ed Rousseau says this solid chunk of concrete (otherwise known as a stadium) will last another 5 decades and will survive a nuclear attack, then lets keep the darn thing and stop all of this nonsense about harrison square!

Mr. Quo

Anonymous said...

Excellent observation, Mr. Quo. I would suggest to Mr. Rousseau, Mr. Smith, and Mr. Schmidt if they don't like what Ft. Wayne is trying to do to downtown, that they move back to Mayberry.

Jeff Pruitt said...

I find it incredibly shortsighted for the city to commission a study that

1. Everyone knows what the answer will be
2. Undermines their negotiations with HC

To be fair, Mr Rousseau, Smith and Schmidt had nothing to do w/ this study - it was ok'd by the mayor's office...

Anonymous said...

To all of those who don't appreciate Ed's wisdom from years of experience, he is not necessarily saying "don't do Harrison Square" and he is not saying "I am against economic development downtown and I am against HS". I think what he is pointing out are the weaknesses we need to be aware of and think about how to mitigate these weaknesses to have a project that makes some long term sense, not just short term. Shiny new buildings downtown would look great, a lot better than ugly buildings and bare lots, that is in the short term, but in the long term if these projects fail, and cost the taxpayers considerably more than estimated, then we will have a big problem.
I assume all of you who are disrespecting Mr. Rousseau are going to buy a condo right? Come on, put your money where your mouths are. Start a clothing store or grocery, and lease some of the new proposed retail space too! And make sure you personally guarantee the lease! Buy a condo, lease some space, put your money where your mouth is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't forget to help pay for the $250,000 of annual maintenance expenses for the old concrete stadium! IPFW only plays eleven home baseball games per year, there won't be enough revenue to cover the costs of the old stadium, so reach in your pocket and support Fort Wayne's new AND old ballparks!!!!!