Monday, April 2, 2007

Embassy Unanimously Backs Square

Text of the release:

News Release

March 30, 2007
Contact: Kelly Updike, executive director
Dana Poffenberger, marketing & development

Embassy Theatre board endorses Harrison Square

At its March 26 meeting, the board of directors for the Embassy Theatre Foundation, Inc., unanimously voted to endorse the Harrison Square project.

As a thriving organization that draws 125,000 visitors to events each year, the Embassy Theatre directly contributes to downtown Fort Wayne's economic success, including area restaurants and businesses. The Embassy's board of directors and staff support the Harrison Square proposal because it will create renewed interest in downtown development, draw additional people to the area and provide the Embassy with new opportunities for program growth and building development.

The Embassy Theatre is a nonprofit organization funded through individual, corporate and foundation support and receives no tax dollars to preserve the historic building built in 1928. The facility, which is home to the theater and Indiana Hotel, is located adjacent to the Harrison Square site and will be immediately affected by this and any downtown improvement strategy.


LP Mike Sylvester said...

Imagine that, an establishment right next to the location thinks it is a good idea...

Mike Sylvester

brian spaulding said...


Wouldn't Harrison Square become next door competition if it includes concerts and other community events?

The Embassy considered this and still voted unanimously in favor.

LP Mike Sylvester said...


I do not think the two will compete with each other at all...

I do not think very many non baseball events will be held at the Downtown ballpark...

Mike Sylvester

Anonymous said...

Competition is not such a bad thing if it's in your back door. Put it 5 miles away and you may have a problem.