Thursday, April 5, 2007

Local Opinions

Letters to the editor

See "Build better roads, not a stadium" and "Embrace new image with project"


Anonymous said...

Quite possibly one of the most ignorant postings so far in this site. Can you imagine people so pathetically fixated on their damn garbage can.


Anonymous said...

Tim Donovan has it right - wouldn't it be nice to use the "excess" TIF dollars that Jefferson Pointe is generating to actually do some improvements to our western access to downtown - Jefferson Blvd.:
1. Modify the RR underpass between the Main St. intersection and Rockhill Park to eliminate this bottleneck
2. Re-route Both Jefferson & Washington to get traffic out of the center of the West Central neighborhood (see yesterdays post -"West Central Redirect" on this site)
3. Follow through on the widening of Jefferson as planned

What a concept - using TIF money to actually improve something for our citizens rather than tearing down an existing public structure!

John K.

Anonymous said...

Tim Donovan has it Right OR John K has it Wrong.

I am putting my money on the latter.

Chris W.

Anonymous said...

Chris W. - Don't understand your comment - can you clear it up? John K.

Nick said...

I definately agree with what Stacey Smith said.

Fort Wayne doesn't always like change. We like to look things over, we don't like jumping into things. Cities around the country have booming downtowns because they stepped forward and took a risk by investing in their downtown, along with private sector partners. Today, those cities have a stronger, more vibrant downtown than they did years before. Now its Fort Wayne's turn. Is Harrison Square going to be another one of those projects that we look back on and say "We should've done that"?

Anonymous said...

Let me explain John K.

I think Tim Donovan must have his head buried a foot deep up [insert your own location]. You think he "has it right" so I think you are "wrong" about "Donovan having it right"

Does this clarify it for you Johnny K.

Chris W.

Anonymous said...

Chris W. Thanks for the clarification. I thought you probably had a "dark" message for me. We each have our own opinions but I guess some don't respect others - oh, well ...... John K.

Anonymous said...

Who in his/her right mind would think that Ft. Wayne needs an eight lane highway? Get REAL! As it is, it seems that 469 doesn't seem all that busy. Don't get me wrong, I getting quickly from one place to the next, but Ft. Wayne does NOT have a traffic problem. These people just want something more to complain about...