Friday, April 13, 2007

What's Goin' Down(town) II

In a continuation of our series of happenings downtown (see previous post), we're going to focus this post on the new Irish Pub and residential components being developed by Scott Glaze at 121 W. Wayne St.

The following pictures three were provided to us beforehand

The rest of the pictures were taken by DFWB. First, we will look at the residential component and then the Irish Pub that is being built on the lower level

Click the picture above for more of the residential aspect

Click the picture above for more on the Irish Pub


david said...

This is a great thing to see downtown. I spoke with Scott about this and he really has good vision about this. This and about 5-7 other projects that are in the queue are a direct result from the cities move to downtown revitalization. Harrison Square being the incentive. I'm merely guessing, but given the projects I am aware of there has probably been over $2 MM in investment downtown already or in progress as a result of the possibility of Harrison Square.