Monday, September 24, 2007

From Plan Commission

Up for consideration:

"Amendment to the City of Fort Wayne Comprehensive Plan Heard September 17, 2007

An amendment to the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Fort Wayne and Allen County (Plan-it Allen) to add the Around the Square Sub-Area Plan"

DFWB notes:

Site committee recommended approval of plan.

Tom Smith commented that the Around the Square plan was excellent and that he plans to fully support it. Smith then went on to question the City Council's legal right to amend the Plan-It Allen comprehensive plan unilaterally, seeing as it is a multilateral plan among different municipalities.

The response from staff and Plan Commission legal counsel was that the Fort Wayne Common Council does in fact have the authority to amend the plan insofar as it concerns the City of Fort Wayne.

The motion to approve the plan passed unanimously, without the aid of Tom Smith, who abstained from voting.

The new corridor classification, CM5C (Neighborhood Commercial Corridor Zoning), was then brought up for discussion. The goals of the new zoning were stated to be to provide more opportunities for mixed-use development, ensure that new construction is compatible with existing structures, and to urge for different parking standards for urban areas.

Staff said they would like to get the new zoning on the November agenda and to City Council in December. Tom Smith commented that he appreciated staff wanting to get the classification passed quickly but noted that new classifications can take some time and that it shouldn't be a problem for a new administration and Council to pass.

Three members of the Plan Commission will serve on a sub-committee to work on the zoning changes: Connie Haas Zuber, Tom Smith, and Barney Niezer.