Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Council Press

City Council Gets Pitch for Harrison Square

Council Delays 'Harrison Square' Vote

Council sets public hearing on Harrison Square
Final vote could take place at same meeting Tuesday

Hearing set on Harrison Square
Public will have a chance next week to ask questions on the project

Fund would sustain Memorial Stadium
Study outlines costs of maintenance, demolition


Worth Weller said...

I love reading the letters to the ed in the JG about this project - a good one today about how so many people in FW seem to be looking to the past rather than to the future. Big problem always in Indiana. I've had a lot of experience covering economic development issues, and many people would rather die slowly than face up to the need for change.

Jeff Pruitt said...

I'm not sure the council realizes what they're getting themselves into w/ the public hearing.

There's likely to be 150+ people there each wanting their 3 minutes. I personally think they need to institute some lottery based system to limit the number of speakers.

Anyone that's been to these hearings knows how painful they are due to the redundancy of the comments given...

Anonymous said...

Prepare for an all-nighter for the Public Hearing over HS. Whoever commented on bringing their sleeping bags was correct. The Public Hearing the county had over the smoking ban was interesting to watch. Public Access hasn't broadcast it lately, but when it was aired, I found myself watching it over again. Very entertaining stuff - everybody comes out of the woodwork to voice their opinions.

Anonymous said...


I really feel that we will need to adhere to Don Schmidt's long standing "7:30 Rule" which he enforces, however, it will now be 7:30AM on the 25th.

This hearing, Committee Session and Regular Session is likely to run into the morning hours.

Sam T.

Anonymous said...

andy - "COMING OUT OF THE WOODWORK"- That's bad? John K.

Anonymous said...

Not bad at all ... in fact, just the opposite. Democracy in action takes on many forms.

Anonymous said...

Where in their files did the Journal- Gazette get the 15 year old photos of Becker & Talarico,Jr.? I guess Fort Wayne is more "in the past" than we thought.

scott spaulding said...

Imagine my surprise when meeting Mark Becker thinking he was going to be sporting the 'stache. I didn't even recognize him.

Anonymous said...

Everytime they use that picture, I think of two things:

1. I immediately start ANOTHER diet to lose the 50 pounds I have gained on City Council!!

2. I immediately realize that 8 years on City Council has given me a full head of gray hair!!

Mark Becker was sporting his Magnum PI look.

Sam T.

Anonymous said...

Paige Wilkins letter in this morning's JG (also published in the NS a couple of weeks ago)says a lot of the same things have been thinking. In the NS version, she questions Don Schmidt and the fact that even though he says he is for downtown development, he hasn't offered any alternative ideas. It seems to me if a project isn't across the street or in his own backyard, Don Schmidt seems always to be against it. Paige also questions those who want to have development (especially a ballpark) on the riverfront. In the NS version of her letter, she questions (and rightly so) where?! And, the fact that the rivers can't cleaned up tomorrow, next week, or next year is another valid point not to mention the millions it would take to do so. Paige echos my sentiment in that we can't wait another 10 years to figure out what to do and where to do it. The time is now. I think someone has already said this but, If not this....what?! If not now...when?!

I can't get to the meeting next week until about 6:45 PM, but it looks like it will still be toward the beginning of the meeting rather than the end. The sleeping bag suggestion is a good idea. I think I'll also bring a folding chair since I will most likely end up out in the hallway.
Maybe we should set up a stand as well and have Fort Wayne landmarks Coney Island and Powers and Cindy's Diner come and sell food for the event! Let's show our support for Fort Wayne next Tuesday!
