Monday, April 16, 2007

Executive Decisions

Business leaders going to bat for plan, despite public’s balk

From the article:

"Fort Wayne business leaders have been especially vocal – their support virtually unanimous – even though many had never taken such a public stance on a controversial issue before."

"[Tom] Current said he is proud to have invested in urban Fort Wayne – his company owns and renovated the Falstaff Brewery site on Washington Boulevard – and believes this project will help spur more growth. He said it will also help attract more young professionals to the area for his heating, air conditioning and plumbing firm"

"Chuck Surack, president of Sweetwater Sound, an international music equipment retailer, said he is embarrassed by the city’s downtown, especially when he brings clients and potential employees in from out of town."

"Scott Glaze, CEO of Fort Wayne Metals, said he became frustrated with many of the criticisms of the project, which prompted him to write about it. He said he understands many people don’t like change, but the city needs leadership to ensure it thrives in the future."

"Other business leaders who vocally support the project include Jim Cook, regional president of Chase bank; Mike Ottenweller, president of Ottenweller Co.; Pat Sullivan of Hylant Group; Bob Sallaz, managing director of hub operations at Kitty Hawk Cargo; and Mike Packnett, Parkview Hospital CEO."

"[Sam Talarico Jr] said business leaders support the project so overwhelmingly because they are the ones who see the most evidence of young professionals leaving the city for a more exciting life."


david said...

Wow, I could name at least 5 other premier companies in Fort Wayne that support it. These are not dinosaur companies either - these are thriving small to mid sized companies in Ft Wayne. They are successful because their leadership knew when to take calculated risks.

Emmett Greider said...

These men need to be listened to.

Anonymous said...

Chuck Surack probably is much less embarrassed when he takes cliets and potential employees to his home town, Roanoke, in Huntington County - Guess he doesn't like our Allen County/ Fort Wayne property taxes. Oh, his company is also outside Fort Wayne City limits, out on Bass Road.

Anonymous said...

You are wrong - Chuck lives next door to the company on Bass Rd. (It is still outside Fort Wayne city limits. It's Scott Glaze and possibly Jim Cook who live in Roanoke.